Attention: Entrepreneurs, Executives, and Business Leaders

Why Implementing AI Should Be Your Primary Business Objective This Year

Did you know that a staggering 84% of business leaders accept AI will provide a competitive edge, but just 17% have implemented AI at scale? You have two choices. Ignore AI, and fall behind. Or, embrace AI now and build a competitive advantage.

Start now with our complimentary, customized AI readiness report. It assesses where you are and the exact next steps you need to begin your AI business integration journey.

The Problem

If professional and organizational growth feels slow and painful, you're likely experiencing resource-limited transformation...

  • Feeling like you're fighting a losing battle against the competition

  • Exhausted from continually playing catch-up

  • Depressed watching nimbler competitors steal market share

  • Disappointed in lack of resources to re-invest in growth

  • Stressed and overloaded attempting transformation with limited bandwidth

  • Discouraged by failed previous transformation attempts

  • Scared that slow progress means extinction

What if you could achieve exponential transformation without exponential resources? With AI, you can unlock hidden potential across your people, processes and tech stack. The future is here!

The Facts

Why traditional transformation doesn't work...



of professionals feel like they don't have enough time

Managers & Leaders


increase in operating expenses from inefficient reporting processes



of organizations have a formal business process management program



of companies save 10% or more optimizing business processes

But what if you could achieve rapid transformation without steep investments? With AI, you can optimize processes, extract insights, and accelerate innovation across your business. The future is full of possibilities.

The Solution

Explore the Exponential Potential of AI-Powered Business Transformation

The cutting-edge system for rapidly transforming your business with AI.

  • Develop AI skills to accelerate workflows, amplify your impact, and augment your abilities.

  • Streamline and automate workflows across departments

  • Accelerate innovation and new product development

  • Unlock your team's full potential to drive results

  • Establish a competitive edge with advanced AI

  • Become an AI-driven industry leader!

Meet the NexGen Solutions Team

Customization. At NexGen, we don't believe in one-size-fits-all. We understand every business is unique, and so are its needs. That's why our AI models are custom-trained and fine tuned for each business, ensuring they perfectly align with your specific requirements and workflows. Our AI doesn't just fit into your operations, it transforms them.

Glenn Dietzel

Co-Founder & Business Strategist

Jurica Dujmović

Co-Founder & AI Archictect

Bruce Fleck, PhD

Co-Founder & Marketing Strategist

Alecander Williams

Data Scientis

The Big Idea

The Truth is That Business Scaling is Possible
Without Lots of Employees or Capital

Scaling requires a business operating system that balances products, people, and processes.


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The Answer: An AI-Powered Business Operating System for Scaling!

The Solution

The AI-Powered Business Operating System for Scaling (AI-BOSS)

Enjoy these benefits:

  • Automates tedious and repetitive tasks

  • Provides data-driven insights to inform decisions

  • Optimizes business processes for efficiency

  • Enables faster innovation and product development

  • Allows scaling without lots of employees

  • Increases marketing reach and conversions

  • Lowers operational costs and increases profits

  • Improves customer experience and satisfaction

  • Gains competitive advantage with AI capabilities

  • Frees up time to focus on business growth

Organizations who've benefited from our consulting...

Our Services

AI Transformation Solutions for Individuals, Teams, and Organizations

AI-powered productivity is the future of knowledge work. Automate admin tasks, accelerate content generation, and analyze complex data with easy-to-use AI tools. AI isn't just a tool—it's your competitive edge. Reclaim your hours and amplify your impact. Learn more...

Discover how AI can revolutionize your business by automating complex tasks, driving efficiency, and freeing your team to focus on strategic and creative initiatives. Learn more...

Experience the power of customization with our Bespoke AI models, tailor-made to align with your business objectives and drive unprecedented innovation and efficiency. Learn more...

The Proof

Weis Ratings

Weiss Ratings

"In a remarkable achievement, we successfully converted a collection of 302 marketing copy documents into a refined Pinecone Vector Database. This robust and detailed database enriched the context for ChatGPT, enabling it to generate marketing copy that masterfully replicated the unique style, tone, and distinctive voice of the original author. This fusion of AI and human ingenuity has revolutionized our approach to content creation, underscoring our commitment to innovation and quality."

Our Success Story

Dive into our Success Stories to explore how we've transformed complex challenges into innovative solutions through the power of AI. Each story represents our commitment to driving success, showing you the impressive outcomes, we've achieved for businesses by harnessing the capabilities of leading AI platforms.

Programs and Services

Our Programs and Applications

  • Prompting Principles for Professionals

  • Create Your ChatBot Workshop

  • Buyers Blueprint and Creative Brief Workshop

  • AI-Powered Business Operating System for Scaling Program

Harness the power of AI now.

Build an AI chatbot worth over $3500.

  • Learn the basics of AI and how it can revolutionize your customer service.

  • Understand the principles of chatbot design and functionality.

  • Get hands-on experience building your own AI-powered customer service chatbot.

  • Discover how to integrate your chatbot into your existing customer service framework.

  • Learn how to analyze and interpret chatbot data to continually improve your customer service.

  • Understand how an AI chatbot can help reduce operational costs and increase efficiency.

  • Gain the confidence and skills to continue exploring and implementing AI solutions in your business.

Hear From Our Clients

Darby Rollins

Founder, The AI Author

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Opher Brayer


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Jurica Dujmović

MarketWatch Tech and Crypto Journalist

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Businessman and Robot arm wrestling

Will AI Take Over Product Management Jobs in 5 Years?

March 01, 20249 min read

In an article written by Freedom Preetham, he claims that traditional product management jobs will be taken over by AI in 5 years. While I believe that all knowledge worker jobs will dramatically change in the next 5 to 10 years, I don’t believe that jobs that require critical thinking and strategic decision-making like product management jobs will be taken over.

While such predictions capture the imagination, I approach them with a healthy dose of skepticism. My experience over three decades in product management, within technology-driven corporate environments, suggests a more nuanced future.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is undeniably transforming the landscape of work, extending its influence across all domains of knowledge work, not just product management. This article aims to dissect how AI is reshaping the nature of product management, thus setting the stage for a broader discussion on its impact across various knowledge work.

Why is AI Transforming Knowledge Work

The introduction of natural language AI tools and their data analytic capabilities marks an inflection point, not just for product management but for all knowledge work. My expertise lies in synthesizing technological advancements with strategic business and marketing objectives.

While AI can automate, accelerate, amplify, and augment our work, it is not a silver bullet for every challenge. Successful integration of AI into our work processes requires a mindset shift. A shift that requires us to look for ways to use AI in anything we do, but to never rely 100% on what AI produces.

In this light, my skepticism towards the obsolescence of product management roles in the face of AI is grounded in a firm belief in the irreplaceable value of human insight and creativity. AI presents an opportunity to redefine and enhance our roles, not diminish them.

AI's Revolutionary Role in Product Management

The integration of artificial intelligence into product management is not just about automating routine tasks; it's about fundamentally transforming how we approach and execute our work. AI’s capacity to process and analyze vast arrays of data, understand market trends, and predict consumer behaviors is poised to revolutionize product management tasks. 

"AI’s capacity to process and analyze vast arrays of data, understand market trends, and predict consumer behaviors is poised to automate up to 80% of what constitutes today’s product management tasks."

Percent AI assistance in product management tasks

This prediction underscores the transformative potential of AI in automating tasks that traditionally required extensive human effort and intuition. AI can free up product managers to focus on more strategic, high-value activities that leverage their unique human insights and creativity.

Four Categories of AI-Assisted Work

AI assists knowledge work at different levels. By recognizing the differentiated roles AI can play, we categorize its impact into four transformative areas:

  1. Automation: This category encompasses tasks that require minimal to no human thinking or oversight, which can be fully automated by AI. Such tasks constitute a relatively small fraction of the work performed by knowledge workers but are essential for efficiency.

  2. Acceleration: AI tools, including generative AI like ChatGPT, expedite knowledge work, enabling tasks to be completed faster than through human effort alone. This acceleration is evident in activities such as drafting memos or conducting data analysis, where AI enhances the speed of operations without compromising quality.

  3. Amplification: Here, AI's capability extends to enhancing the quality and impact of work beyond what individuals could achieve independently. Amplification enables knowledge workers to produce results of higher quality and significance, effectively raising the bar for what constitutes exceptional work.

  4. Augmentation: Augmentation represents a pivotal use of AI, where it is employed to execute tasks beyond the skill level of the knowledge worker. Through AI programmed with established frameworks or processes, knowledge workers can guide and utilize AI to achieve outcomes previously unattainable, marking a significant leap in capability and innovation.

The distinction among these categories underscores AI's versatility in transforming knowledge work. It's not merely about replacing human effort but about enriching it, enabling us to transcend our inherent limitations and embrace a broader spectrum of possibilities. 

In the context of product management, this transformation implies a shift towards roles where strategic insight, creative ideation, and complex decision-making are paramount. AI becomes a partner in this journey, automating and accelerating tasks, amplifying our abilities, and augmenting our skills to navigate the challenges and opportunities of the digital age.

Redefinition of Roles in the Age of AI

The transformative capabilities of AI across automation, acceleration, amplification, and augmentation not only redefine how tasks are performed but also highlight the evolving nature of work itself. This evolution is a testament to the shifting landscape where strategic decision-making, innovation, and human insight become paramount.

In product management, the advent of AI is significantly automating tasks related to data analysis, market trend observation, and consumer behavior insights, which traditionally consumed a considerable portion of a product manager's time. 

This shift emphasizes the need for roles focused more on strategic oversight, creative ideation, and managing intricate human interactions, aspects of work where AI cannot fully replicate the nuanced understanding and empathy of human professionals.

"When AI automates a significant amount of tasks in all roles, those roles that have significant overlaps and are on the precipice will likely be redistributed." 

This redistribution signals a move towards roles that leverage human capabilities—those not easily replicated by AI. It suggests a future where the essence of many jobs evolves, focusing more on the unique value humans bring to the table.

"The residual 20% of the role — involving strategic oversight, creative ideation, and intricate human interactions — becomes more critical than ever." 

As AI takes over a substantial part of the workload, it's the uniquely human aspects that come to the forefront. This highlights the importance of human intuition, creativity, and the ability to manage complex interpersonal dynamics—skills that are irreplaceable and will define the future of work.

This redefinition of roles will necessitate a collaborative future where AI and human expertise converge, not just within the realm of product management but across all sectors of knowledge work. It challenges organizations to adapt job descriptions, evolve training programs, and redefine career paths to foster the new synergies between human talent and artificial intelligence.

The Human Element

As AI continues to redefine the scope and execution of work, the human element within the corporate and technological spheres becomes increasingly significant. This shift is not about diminishing the value of human roles but rather about elevating and transforming them in response to AI's expanding capabilities.

"Business leaders will emerge as strategic orchestrators in this AI-driven environment." 

This statement encapsulates the evolving role of human leadership in the AI era. Business leaders are positioned to harness AI's analytical and predictive powers to inform strategic decisions, foster innovation, and guide their organizations through the complexities of the digital age. 

Their role transcends traditional management, evolving into strategic orchestrators who leverage AI to achieve broader business objectives while maintaining a focus on human values, ethics, and the long-term vision of their organizations.

Furthermore, the assertion that "The impending dominance of AI in product management heralds a future that is not about the obsolescence of the human role but about the evolution and redistribution of responsibilities" speaks volumes about the future of work. 

It highlights a transformative phase where the integration of AI into business processes does not lead to the redundancy of human roles but instead prompts a strategic reevaluation and reallocation of these roles. The essence of human contribution—creativity, empathy, strategic insight, and the ability to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics—becomes more vital than ever.

In this future, the human element is characterized by its irreplaceable capacity for creative ideation, ethical judgment, and deep emotional intelligence. These are the aspects of work where AI serves as a complement rather than a substitute. 

As AI handles the analytical and routine, humans are free to focus on the strategic, the innovative, and the interpersonal—domains where human insight and experience hold unparalleled value.

Ethical Considerations and Continuous Learning

As artificial intelligence assumes a more prominent role in our professional lives, the imperative for ethical guidelines and human oversight becomes increasingly evident. The integration of AI into various facets of work is not merely a technological evolution but a complex interplay between innovation and morality. 

"As AI takes on more responsibilities, ensuring that it is guided by ethical principles and human oversight becomes crucial." 

The ethical use of AI is a multifaceted challenge that encompasses issues of privacy, fairness, accountability, and transparency. As AI systems make decisions that can significantly impact individuals and communities, it is imperative that these decisions are made within an ethical framework that respects human rights and values. 

This requires a concerted effort from business leaders, technologists, ethicists, and policymakers to establish guidelines that ensure AI's applications are beneficial and do not perpetuate bias or harm.

Moreover, the rapid advancement of AI technologies necessitates a commitment to continuous learning and adaptation among professionals. The landscape of work is evolving at an unprecedented pace, driven by AI's capabilities to transform industries and create new opportunities. This dynamic environment demands a workforce that is agile, skilled, and prepared to leverage AI effectively while navigating its ethical implications.

A Synergistic Future of AI and Humans

When we look back on the explosive growth and general availability of AI, we will see it as one mankind’s biggest technological leaps. It's clear that the future we envision is one marked not by the replacement of human roles by AI but by the transformative collaboration between human intelligence and artificial capabilities. 

"The impending dominance of AI in product management heralds a future that is not about the obsolescence of the human role but about the evolution and redistribution of responsibilities." 

This perspective is not only insightful but also reflects a shared optimism about the potential for AI and humans to work in concert towards achieving unprecedented outcomes.

This collaborative future requires a reimagining of work where the strengths of AI and human intelligence are leveraged to complement each other. AI can handle vast data analysis, automate routine tasks, and provide insights at a scale and speed unattainable by humans alone. In contrast, humans bring to the table complex problem-solving skills, emotional intelligence, ethical judgment, and creative thinking—qualities that are essential for strategic decision-making and innovation.

Embracing this synergy means fostering a culture of continuous learning and adaptation, where individuals are encouraged to develop new skills and mindsets that enable them to thrive alongside AI. It also means creating ethical frameworks to guide AI development and implementation, ensuring that technology serves humanity's best interests.

By working together, leveraging our respective strengths, and navigating the challenges with foresight and ethical consideration, we can create a future where AI and humans collaborate to solve complex problems, drive innovation, and enhance the quality of life for all.


Product Management Will Be Taken Over in 5 Years, Freedom Preetham, Feb 1, 2024.

Human-AI collaboration Future of work AI transformation in business Ethical AI use Continuous learning in AI era AI and strategic decision-making Innovation in knowledge work
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Get the AI Prompting for Professionals Course Now!

Tired of ChatGPT not giving you the output you're looking for? In this 90-minute course, you'll learn generative-AI prompting principles to help you do any task faster with AI.

  • Write better emails faster

  • Brainstorm project ideas

  • Draft project timelines

  • Summarize meeting minutes and tasks

  • Analyze data and prepare reports

  • Evaluate decision-making alternatives

  • Offer critiques on plans and memos

  • Extract important points from long articles

Your Questions

Questions About Using AI?

AI sounds complicated and difficult to implement.

The course is designed for beginners and teaches you to apply AI in simple, practical ways relevant to business productivity.

AI may not understand the nuances of my business or industry.

The course provides prompting strategies to teach AI specifics so that you can apply it to your unique business needs.

I don't have time to learn an entirely new technology.

The bite-sized video lessons fit into pockets of time so you can learn while working. If AI technologies can save time and improve your effectiveness, can you really afford not to learn it?

AI feels impersonal compared to how I currently work.

You can customize AI interactions for your preferred working style and voice. In fact, implementing AI for tedious, time-consuming tasks gives you more time for human interaction.

I'm concerned about data privacy and security with AI.

The course covers data protocols so you can use AI securely and privately. Of course, check with your IT department about your company’s policy regarding the use of AI tools.

AI lacks the critical thinking that humans provide.

The course shows you how to combine AI speed with human judgment and nuance. Using AI will help you improve critical thinking skills through practice evaluating AI outputs.

The upfront investment in AI is difficult to cost-justify.

Productivity gains from AI save substantial time and costs in the long run. Using AI for most business tasks is actually quite inexpensive.

Our current tools meet our needs, so why change?

While your current tools work well today, they will be no match for what AI can do now or in the near future. AI enables work that current tools simply can't match in speed or quality.

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